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June 18, 2007



Well, what can I say? It’s always end-user responsibility to keep his PC healthy. I've got one receipt from all that threats. Outpost Firewall Pro by Agnitum (www.agnitum.com) with anti-spyware and anti-spam plugins. After installing this software, I've got nothing like phishing letters posted above. It really keeps your private data.

Julius Barber

Hi here I am that I found this post regarding me and my clients domain.

The Problem:
Some how the account was hacked and they installed a php file which ran from the browser and started sending emails, it was a hard day that one finding the account from all my clients I had, he was doing a good job spamming because was leaving no trace.


We have fixed the problem and I have changed since today the information on the domain, since I did not have all the information I left mine there.

if anybody has any questions regarding this I answer all the emails and post to my contact form on my website or you can call me at the 1-800 number we have for free.


Thanks and sorry for all the emails that received this junk I personally do not like receiving spam.

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