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September 14, 2009


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TechBlue Software is a recognized leader in the Software Development field, having helped a range of organizations in their mission to cut down their costs while retaining or increasing the level of quality of their software. Active Directory Password Reset Solution will save your company time and money by relieving your Help Desk and Network Administrators of fielding password calls and allowing your users to reset their own passwords without having to sit on hold with your Help Desk line. ADPR provides a secure way for password reset; password change and account unlock capabilities.

Active Directory Password Reset Program Large number of IT helps desk calls involve password-related issues. TechBlue Software reset is the best tool to better manage such situations. Active Directory Password Reset Program (ADPR) is Techbluesoftware flagship product for active directory user management and user account management for help desk management and a very effective active directory password manager and password management solution. The latest development includes secure and cost effective Active Directory Password Reset solution, providing a secure way for password reset; password change and account unlock capabilities.

Techblue Software provides the utility to reset password and enrollment.
· Software Development Services in various Technologies
· Product & Application Development Services in various Business Domains.
· Self Service Operation: Users reset passwords and recover accounts on their own.
· Password Reset Anywhere: Reset passwords from any login dialog. ADPR adds a "Reset Password" option.

For More details:
You can refer http://www.techbluesoftware.com

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