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September 14, 2009



Interesting thoughts here. I'm no expert on this, despite writing on occasional IT issues -- one thing that comes to mind is, isn't the technology already out there? Wouldn't it just be a matter of legally mandating companies to encrypt their pages with extended validation ssl and individuals to use some kind of personal ID system? It seems like individuals have the hardest time here (it's easy to steal a credit card number; hard to hijack a green url and padlock) and I can definitely see the need for some universal (and possibly free) form of identity management. But it seems like the tools are out there, they just aren't as prevalent as they should be.

Web Certificate

The technology is already out there. The level of security comes in terms of the bits per encryption. 128 and 256 bit are two of the most popular levels of SSL encryption. Indeed it would be a matter of federal and government legislation where it is a legal requirement for any site that engages in financial interchanges and transactions online or passing of personal data to employ SSL security by law. The internet is largely unregulated so I would imagine it's when more than if something like this will come into force.

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